PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application)

Credits/T.H.: 4/35

Paper Code: C-205

Course Objectives: To provide basic skills on tools, languages and technologies related to website development. Learning from this course may be used in their Project.
Course Learning Outcomes: Student will be able to develop/build a functional website with full features.
Outline of Syllabus: Minimum number of hours
1 Internet , World Wide Web and Web
Browsers. 3
2 HTML and CSS 9
3 Client –side Scripting 6
4 Introduction to PHP 8
5 Database Access through the Web and Web Security 9
Internet basics , history of Internet, client/server Architecture, Internet Functions, Services of Internet, Digital World, E-commerce, Web Architecture, Web Browsers, URL and Search Engines.
HTML, HTML Editors, Elements, Attributes, Text formatting, Lists, Links, Tables, Forms, Linking Images. Introduction, HTML5 New Elements: Section, Nav, Article, Aside, Audio Tag, Video Tag, HTML5 Form Validations: Require Attribute, Pattern Attribute, Autofocus Attribute, email, Number type, Date type, Range type, HTML Iframe. Introduction to CSS: Syntax, CSS selectors, CSS- Inline, Internal, External.
CSS Styling:Background, Text, Font, Links, List, Tables. CSS Box model:Border, Outline, Margin, Padding
Dynamic Web Pages: Creating interactive and dynamic web pages with JavaScript-
JavaScript overview; constants, variables, operators, expressions & statements; user-defined & built-in functions; client-side form validation; using properties and methods of built-in objects
Introduction to PHP: Overview of PHP- Origins and Uses, General Syntactic
Characteristics, primitives, Operations and Expressions, Output, Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern matching, Form Handling, Files, Cookies, Session tracking
Database Access through the Web:Role of Databases in Interactive Applications, An
Introduction to the SOL, Architectures for Database Access, MySQL Database System, Database Access with PHP and MySQL. Web Security: Firewalls- Definition and uses, Network layer firewalls and Application layer firewalls; Proxy servers, S-HTTP
Main Reading:
1. Programming the World Wide Web, Robert W. Sebesta, Pearson Education, 4th Edition
2. Web Technologies TCP/IP Architecture, and Java Programming, Achyut S. Godbole
and AtulKahate, The McGraw Hill Companies, Second Edition.
Books/ References:
1. Internet and Web Technologies, Raj Kamal, TMH
2. Web Technology & Design, Xavier C., New Age Publication